Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Ellie!

And it's been one year since she read Twilight the first time!
Happy Birthday!
(And Mini Edward says sorry for looking so....aggressive. He just tends to look like that, and he couldn't hold the candle any other way....)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mini Edward is going tubing.

The tube says "Speed Zone": got that right.

Mini Edward plays Rummy-o with us

Best game ever.

He's about to win.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mini Edward On The Train

Edward Cullen the Railway Vamp, the Vamp of the Railway Train!
There's a whisper down the line at eleven thirty-nine
When the hatch back's ready to depart
Saying, "Edward, where is Edward?
Has he gone to hunt the human?
We must find him or the car can't start!"

The Perfect Bouquet

Who wouldn't want it?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mini Edward is refreshing his memory of Calculus.

Trying to get him to teach me.
I'm beginning to think that he doesn't need to refresh his memory; he's only reading it for fun now.

Friday, June 12, 2009


...why am I covered in feathers?

Mini Edward checks out "The Murphinator"

My physics project.
He makes it look good. ;)

(additionally, I made The Murphinator go right after I took these pictures, and a few seconds after it began, Mini Edward fell over backwards. He can't handle its awesomeness.)